Moses and Jesus
Which Prophet is more like Moses (Deuteronomy 18:18), Jesus or Muhammad?
(All quotes are from the New International Version of the Bible)

       Muslims claim that these similarities (the ones underlined) show Muhammad to be more like Moses.
Normal birth:  Just like billions of other people for the last 3,000 years.
Married with kids:  Just like billions of other people for the last 3,000 years.
Usual death:  Moses died at 120 while in perfect health (Deuteronomy 34:7).  Is that "usual"?
Prophet and Statesman:  Could King David be The Prophet, or Solomon, or Joshua or...?
Rejection:  Jesus was rejected too; than was accepted by many Jews.
From among your brothers (Ishmael):  In context of Deuteronomy 17:15 and 18:2 "brother" is from Israel.
A run for your life:  Jesus was almost stoned (John 10:32) and pushed off a cliff (Luke 4:29).
Recording of revelations within lifetime:  We are trying to compare the prophets' lives not their folowers' actions.
Legal teachings:  Moses presented the Law and Jesus fulfilled it (Matthew 5:17).  Jesus had many teachings, moral and legal (Matthew chapters 5-7).  Sura 5:46 says that Jesus' Gospel contains "guidance" and light.
Emmigration: Moses traveled 250km, Jesus 500km (at birth) and 160km (from Caesarea Philippi to Jericho during his ministry) and Muhammad traveled about 400km.  Where do we draw the line?
Physical victory:  What about the clearing of the Temple (John 2:14-16), the stopping of a sword fight (Luke 22:51), physical healing (Mark 2:11-2) and a resurrection (physical victory over death; Luke.24:39)?
As you can see these similarities are nothing more than common things that happen to many people.

Christians claim that these similarities show Jesus to be much more like Moses:
John 1:45 "...the one Moses wrote about...Jesus"
Moses' successor (the man "after him") was Joshua ("Jesus" in Greek).
Both Moses and Jesus hid in Egypt (as children) during a slaughter of babies.
Moses commanded 12 tribes while Jesus commanded 12 apostles.
God Himself spoke directly to both Moses and Jesus.
Both had faces that radiated light.
Both worked miracles that both their followers and unbelievers observed.
Both fasted for forty days.
Both physically controlled water (making it possible to walk through or on it).
Both chemically controlled water (Moses turned water to blood Jesus turned water into wine).
Both Moses and Jesus knew when they would die.
They both died on a hill.
Jesus fed thousands of people with 2 fish and 5 loafs of bread (John 6:10-2) and Moses fed the Isrealites with manna (John 6:31).
Moses was a learned man and Jesus knew the Scripture well.
Jesus talked about how Moses had "lifted up the serpent" so that all who looked at it would by saved (the snake may have been on a cross shaped pole) while Jesus himself was "lifted up" so that all who look to him will be saved (John 3:14-16).
Moses and Jesus had followers that heard the voice of God (I know I said that "Recording of revelations in lifetime" does not work, but hearing the voice of God is more unique, supernatural and "prophet like" than the recording of scripture by followers.)

What about the name of the prophet like Moses?
See *Muhammad in the Bible* to learn that the name "Muhammad" is NOT found in the Bible.
Moses' successor (the man "after him") was Joshua ("Jesus" in Greek).  Elijah's successor was Elisha, his name means "(My) God saves" (Jesus means "The LORD saves").  Moses and Elijah were the two people at Jesus' transfiguration (Luke 9:30).